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Hi There - Jamie Richards Profile Shot.png
Good Shirt's brand DNA is omnipresent in all parts of the company, with a mindful approach to sustainability instilled company wide at the inception of the brand.  
The writing's on the wall as penned by the scientists the world over, with a consensus on human-induced warming of planet earth, and that we need to collectively action a future that takes into account the impact we're having as a species on the natural world so that both current and future generations can continue to co-exist with nature and enjoy the benefits this brings.
Good Shirt was borne out of a heartfelt desire to play a small but pro-active role in helping to reduce the amount of single use plastic choking the worlds oceans and landfills by diverting PET plastic into recycled fabrics for use in clothing & gear. The decision to take a "dyed in the wool" approach as an eco-minded brand shaping long term strategy / SDG's at the company's core and reverberating outwards.
Sustainable initiatives are not simply a marketing KPI, or some lofty ideal, it seems now sustainable practices are a fundamental requirement all companies (& individuals) need to adopt to guarantee a Happy, Healthy Planet Earth and occupants.   
Brand vision and linked goals are mutually inclusive, and only possible through the support of (and for) community. Connecting a tribe whom are passionate about sharing the role of "Kaitiaki"*  by applying an above average duty of care to the natural world to their daily lives.   
In taking on the role of a guide/ guardian, Good Shirt looks to assist the heroes among us whom are navigating the roadblocks, actioning positive initiatives and making conscious decisions that are helping us realise a more sustainable life.  Who knew that the humble tee shirt could have such aspirations? 
A small selection of visual stories designed to be used in the introduction of Good Shirt product to B2B clients or customers can be viewed here
Whilst videos made specifically for B2B clients differ from those made for the end user the through-lines of both formats is consistent to the GS brand DNA.  
After recently taking part in a course on video storytelling  more video stories are currently in the works. Stories told that seek to convey more of who we are, stories that engage with our tribe. In addition, we'll hear stories from our customers/ clients, talk of our shared values ....  
So many moving parts in this projects journey where in converting trash to treasure we collaborate with artists and imagineers to inspire positive change  ; ) 
* Kaitiaki -  Guardians

A kaitiaki is a person or group that is recognised as a guardian by the tangata whenua (tribal group with authority in a particular area). For instance, a hapū (sub-tribe) may be the kaitiaki for a lake or a forest.  

Tiaki Promise - Piwakawaka.jpg

Single use plastic is a serious problem!
In communicating this to supporters/potential supporters of Good Shirt, along with our purpose, goals .... care is taken to not come across all preachy, instead simply communicating our position, looking at the facts,  blending a bit of humour into the mix, and asking individuals for help with tackling the problem through their own positive actions. #StartWithOneThing ....

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DESIGN creative with a blend of hard & soft thinking.
"If you can't measure it, you can't improve it." 

Strategic Brand Management guiding the overall direction of the brand. 

Creative intrinsically linked to the brand DNA. 
Applying  KPIs to measure and improve brand value through content that resonates and engages. 

CREATE with consistency. 
With consist
ent through-lines we build trust.

Trust, a baseline in beginning a friendship.

With great friends comes love.

 Key ingredients in the journey from brand to lovemark*.
*The term lovemark coined by Kevin Roberts Saatchi & Saatchi, so not to be confused with the hickey ; )  

Iphone Vid frame - Teahupoo - cinegraph.
Iphone Vid frame - Sawarna.png

RESONATE with your audience.

through creative content that  infuses imagination & ingenuity consistent with the brands DNA



You don't have to grow to be great, but you do have to evolve. 

Challenge convention,

build a better future

through mindful design.


Iphone Vid frame - One Palm Point.png

Weblink to a free e-zine with the concept, layout,  design, editorial & copy created by yours truly ; )



Sustainability Research - GS Tote Versus Alternatives .png

The Travel Tote - considered design ticking the green box. 
Research underpinning design to make a product that serves more than a singular purpose that is made from repurposed single use plastic. 

 A design driven campaign connecting our B2B Clients to their customers, and their customers to Good Shirt. 



Good Shirt's Adventurers Club GS ADV-365

Is not the typical loyalty program that you see from apparel companies, the likes of which are generally based around SALE pricing  of the companies goods to members.   


Good Shirt's Adventures Club, GS ADV-365 works in synergy with  the "Good Stuff"  e-zine and provides our B2B clients the opportunity to provide members of GSADV-365 with select pricing/ seasonal offers for their respective adventure tourism activity. For example;  20% off a Whale Watch Tour, in Kaikoura, 10% off a Heli-ski in Queenstown, 20% off a drift dive in Nusa Penida, Bali ....


With Good Shirt planning to expand sales internationally the effect of the GS ADV-365 loyalty program to participating B2B clients will be minimal initially  but with very targeted sales channels, and the number of Good Shirt's sold continuing to grow the database of customers whom we know through their purchase of a Good Shirt product are highly likely to ;

(1) Be a conscious consumer.

(2)  Travel outside the region which they live in to holiday whether that be domestically or internationally or


(3) Pay for adventure experiences whilst on holiday.

Today the concept of the GS ADV365 loyalty program  means little, though in the coming months/years with the sale of  Good Shirts, growing from  1 Good Shirt to 10,000 Good Shirts ... to 100,000 Good Shirts, .... to 500,000 Good Shirts ...... this becomes a very dynamic database, and one which we can effectively communicate with members to the benefit of both Good Shirt and our B2B clients with an ever increasing number of persons likely to take advantage of the offers provided by Good Shirt's B2B clients operating in the adventure tourism space. 

I envisage the following with GS ADV365; 

Say you are gifted a Good Shirt by World Surfaris as part of your Surf Travel experience with them to the Maldives. Your stoked with your wearable momento of your Maldives trip, and  in reading the intro card to Good Shirt's  ADV365 Adventurers Club that's provided with your World Surfaris+Good Shirt collab tee you decide to sign up as a member of  GS ADV365 Adventurers Club.

(Free membership to GS ADV365 is simply based on the purchase/gifting of any Good Shirt  product)

Fast forward a year and this time you've decided to holiday in NZ, over the past 12 months you've read a few articles in the "Good Stuff"  e-zine on some great sounding adventure tourism operators in NZ, so you check the webpages/site dedicated to GS ADV365 Adventurers Club to see if there are any great deals that interest you. 


Wildwire's via ferrata in Wanaka sounds like just the sort of active adrenalin spiking activity that you enjoy, and pairing that with a heli-ski later in the same week will provide the stoke you're looking for in your holiday to the Beautiful South. The deals look awesome so you book your activity/register your interest and get your holiday plans rolling. 

Now imagine that scenario multiplied  by 1/2 a million +  members of GS ADV365 Adventurers Club across the businesses of our B2B clients and you can see how this initiative can have a positive effect on our B2B clients businesses through increased awareness/customer numbers,  on our own business through the added value we bring to our customers/ supporters and to our customers/supporters  themselves.


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